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The little Mermaid (Mała syrenka) English version - ebook

7,99 7,19 zł (zawiera 5 % VAT)

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Hans Chrystian Andersen 





PWH Siedmioróg



Deep beneath the ocean lay the beautiful and magical kingdom of King Neptune. He had six mermaid daughters, the youngest of whom was considered to be unsurpassed in her beauty. They lived a wonderful and carefree existence in their underwater arcadia. The world beyond was an uncertain and dangerous place and for this reason all mermaids were forbidden to travel up to the surface before their fifteenth birthday. When her time finally arrives, the Little Mermaid travels up to the surface of the ocean and there witnesses a terrible storm and the sinking of a great ship. She rescues a handsome sailor from drowning, but unbeknownst to her, he is in fact a prince. She longs to go forth into the world to be with her prince. But only with the help of a magic spell can she hope to travel to land and find her prince. But the price she must pay will indeed be high. Will she find the happiness she so desperately yearns for?

The Little Mermaid
is a story of the power of love and sacrifice that has enchanted generations of children. Can love conquer all or are there some prices that are too high to pay?

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Kup The little Mermaid (Mała syrenka) English version - ebook
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The little Mermaid (Mała syrenka) English version - ebook

7,99 7,19 zł (zawiera 5 % VAT)
    • EPUB (znak wodny)
    • MOBI (znak wodny)
  • angielski

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